Chef Master Meekon mietteitä:
Tampereella yöllä syntyi lapsia (ihana uusi prinsessa ystäväperheeseemme, toim.huom.) ja Ruurikkalassa valvottiin, mistä tietämättöminä matkasimme koko aamupäivän Evijärvelle, jossa sijaitsee yksi YWAM:n Baseista, Ruurikkalan kartano.
Jo toisen päivän aamuna oli selvää, että Jumala on koonnut yhteen perheen hulluistaan, jotka yhdessä tuovat esiin Jumalan viisautta ja suunnitelmaa Suomea varten. On mahtavaa huomata, että on myös monia ulkomaalaisia, joiden sydämet palavat Suomelle.
Ruurikkalassa viivymme kaksi päivää. Tänä iltana on Burn-kokous ja huomenna tiimin lepopäivä.
Jatkuu 26.7 Musings of the Master Chef Meeko continue on the 26th of July:
It was fun.
Jesus did stuff.
Life is good.
There was quite a lot of expectation in the room, and I could feel that some kind of breakthrough coming. After worshiping for a while, God spoke through some people that it was the time for men, Finnish men, to stand up and worship as God created them to worship. As the men danced, shouted and sang, such freedom filled the room. We then worshiped, men and women together, united as one before our Father. Later in the evening God poured out his joy and we danced and sang (along with ukulele reggae). Something big shifted in the atmosphere in the place, and we knew that what was happening was not only for those in the room, but for people across the nation.
It was clearly something God had planned to do this night. It’s amazing what plans he has for our nation and how he wants to redeem the place of man in leadership of the Kingdom. I really felt that we as men need to be more open to our Father and also put aside the fear and lies people and enemy has told us. There is a lot of expectation towards us and we think we need to be something else God has created us to be. It seems Father is releasing our generation to be the ones who bring healing to this nation.
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